quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016

apostila EJA CICLO IV

Conteúdo EJA ciclo IV

Article  (artigo definido)


                        The      ( significa : o, a, os, as )

Example:     the boy  ( o menino)     ,   the girl ( a mennina)

                    the boys  (os meninos) ,    the gilrs (as meninas)   


                        Assim como no português, os artigos em inglês também são classificados em definidos e indefinidos.

O artigo definido é o THE (o, a, os, as), e os indefinidos são A, AN (um, uma).

O artigo definido é usado:

• antes de substantivos que podem ser precedidos ou não por adjetivos.
Ex: the girl (a menina) the pretty girl (a menina bonita)

• antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais ou nomes de famílias.
Ex: the piano (o piano) the Kennedys (os Kennedys)

• antes de nomes de oceanos, mares, ilhas, rios, montanhas, países, hotéis, cinemas, teatros, trens e navios.
Ex: the Pacific (o Pacífico)
the United States (os Estados Unidos), etc.

• antes de um representante de uma classe ou espécie.
Ex: the poor (os pobres) the rich (os ricos)

• antes de um substantivo único na espécie.
Ex: the earth (a terra) the sun (o sol)

Quando o artigo the é omitido:

• antes de nomes próprios, nomes de línguas e ciências.
Ex: Beth English (
Inglês) geography (geografia)

• antes de substantivos de uso comum e de substantivos incontáveis.
Ex: gold (ouro) money (
dinheiro) coffee (café)

• antes de pronomes possessivos.
Ex: our dress (nosso vestido) their house (casa deles(as))

• antes de alguns substantivos como home, church, school, hospital, bed, prison,quando usados para o seu propósito original.

Ex: I go to church. (to pray)
Eu vou para a igreja.
(para rezar)

I go to school. (to study)
Eu vou para a escola. (para estudar)


Indefinite Article


                        A    - (um/uma) é usado antes das palavras iniciadas por sons consonantais

Ex.:   a man (um homem)  ,  a woman (uma mulher)   ,  a horse (um cavalo)

         a desk (uma carteira) ,  a pen ( uma caneta)       ,   a hand (uma mão)                 


                        An  - (um/uma) é usado antes das palavras iniciadas por sons vocálicos

Ex.:   an airplane (um avião)  ,    an eye (um olho)   ,  an hour ( uma hora)

         an orange  (uma laranja)  ,    an umbrella (um guarda-chuva)

OBS.:  não usamos artigo indefinido no plural

Ex.:  a bird ( um pássaro) ................. birds (pássaros)

        an arm (um braço) .................. arms (braços)



I.  Coloque   A   ou   An e faça a tradução.

1.   ......... girl                                             11. ........ lovely day

2.   ......... table                                           12. ....... unusual boy

3.   ......... school                                        13. ........ large library 

4.   ......... old man                                      14. ........ apple

5.   ......... rubber                                        15. ........ good idea

6.   ......... automobile                                 16. ........ pear

7.   ......... egg                                            17. ........ exception to the rule

8.   ......... invitation                                   18. ........ tall tree

9.   .......... friend                                        19. ......... young girl      

10. .......... teacher                                      20. ......... house



Demonstrative  pronouns ( pronomes demonstrativos )

singular                                         plural

                       This    esta, este, isto                                         These    estas, estes

                                                        essa ,esse, isso                                                          essas, esses


                            That  aquele, aquela, aquilo                            Those aquelas, aqueles


Examples:    this  hat, this boy                          these  hats, these boys
                 (este chapéu, este menino)        (estes chapéus, estes meninos) 


          that girl, that pen                                      those girls, those pens
(aquela menina, aquela caneta)             (aquelas meninas, aquelas canetas)


1. Put  This or These.( Ponha this ou these e faça a tradução)

a).............. bike

b) ........... car

c) .......... apple

d) ........... oranges

e) .......... television set

f) ............ horses


a) .......... are my friends

b) Who is .......... little boy?

i ) What is .......... doing here?

j) How much are ........ chocolates.  


São usados para substituir nomes de pessoas, coisas ou animais.  Funcionam como sujeito da oração, por isso são também conhecidos por  SUBJECT PRONOUNS.


                              singular                                        plural

   1a pessoa do singular    I     - eu                                  WE   -  nós        1a  p.p.

      2a  p.s.                                 YOU   - você /                 YOU  -  vocês  /  vós     2a p.p.

                                               he   - ele                    

            3a p.s.          she  - ela                            they  - eles / elas    3a p.p.

                                             it -    ele (a)  


                  Paul is a student .                                 Jim and I are brothers   
He is a student.                                          We are brothers


                        Mary is a secretary                                         Jane and Joe are teachers

                           She is a secretary                                                    They are teachears

                        New York is a big city.                                              That dog is brave

                                     It is a big city.                                                          It is brave


Substitua por pronomes as palavras sublinhadas

1. Cats are clever animals.

2. Bob is an engineer.

3. Jane is making a cake.

4. My father is living in Miami.

5. This pen is blue.

6. Paul likes orange juice.

7. My cousin and I are students too.

8. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are my neighbours.

9. Suzan, Masie and Elizabeth are my sisters.

10. What are the cats doing in the office.

11. Janet and I are old friends.

12. That beautiful child is making noise 

VERB TO BE      ( Present Tense)

Presente do indicativo do verbo ser ou estar

  Singular                                                   Plural

I          am  (sou,estou)                                      we     are (somos, estamos)

You      are (é, está)                                               you     are (são, estão)

 He          is   (é, está)                    

She         is   (é, está)                                 They     are (são, estão)

 It           is   (é, está)

As formas contractas são muito usadas informalmente:

I'm             you're                  he's             she's           it 's             we're          they're

Obs.  O Verbo to be (ser ou estar) é um verbo irregular, pois apresenta variadas formas na sua conjugação. O present tense deve se traduzido pelo presente do indicativo 


  Suplly the correct form of the present tense of to be.

( Forneça a forma correta do present tense do verbo to be e traduza as sentenças)

1.  He ............ a good student.

2.  They ........... old friends.

3.  I ............. a student.

4.  John ......... absent from class today.

5.  We .......... excellent cookers.

6. She .......... a beautiful girl.

7.  Peter and Sue ........... scientists.

8. Jack and I ........... engineers.

9. She and I  ........... cousins.

Agora use as formas contractas:

10.  Joe ......... a singer.

11.  Jane ........ a doctor.

12. It ........... a dog.

13. You ......... a rich man. 

14. New York  .......... a city.

15. You ......... children

16. We ......... both students.

17.  He ......... a businessman.

18. Mr. John .......... a lawyer.

19.  The policeman on the corner ........... busy with the traffic.

20.  Mrs. Thatcher ......... a teacher.


As frases negativas são formadas colocando-se a partícula NOT após o verbo


I am a student.                       It is a pen.                             We are friends                         

I am not a student.                  It is not a pen.                        We are not friends   

OBS.:  As formas contractas  isn't    e  aren't  são muito usadas.

Formamos frases interrogativas colocando o verbo antes do pronome.


                            She is absent from class today.

                            Is she absent from class today?

                            Why is she absent from class today?

A. Change the following sentences from affirmative to negative.

(passe as seguintes sentenças da afirmativa para negativa)

1.  They are in Europe now.

2.  Jane is very happy.

3.  Jim and Paul are brothers.

4.  She is an intelligent girl.

5.  Both sisters are tall.

6.  Suzan is a clever girl.

7.  They are members of the country club.

8.  It is cold today.

9.  It is a good movie.

10. The sky is very cloudy today.

11. Bob is very angry with you.

12. Jefferson is a tall boy.

13. Mr. Smith is a pilot with American Airlines.

14. She is a good tennis player.

15. That car is blue

16. Those men are policemen.

17. This is a big ball.

18. The sky is blue.

19. This is an English lesson.

20. These exercises are very easy.


B.     Change all the sentences above to questions.
(Mude todas as sentenças acima para interrogativas)


São usados para indicar posse.  Sempre acompanha a coisa possuída.

         my pen (minha caneta)                 our classroom ( nossa sala de aula)

         your book ( seu livro)                 their house  (casa delas)

Cada pronome pessoal tem seu possessivo correspondente.

         personal                           possessive

            pronoun                          adjective  


                        i                       my       ( meu (s) , minha (s))

                   you                your (seu , sua)

                   he                   his      (dele)

                   she                 her    (dela)

                   it                     its      (dela, dele)

                   we                  our     (nossa (s), nosso (s)

                   you                your           (seus, suas)

              they              their   (delas , deles)


Use the correct pronoun.  
( use o pronome correto e faça a traduçãodas frases)

1.  ......... is Bob Wilson.

2.  .......... is my girlfriend Masie.

3. This is ..........pen.

4.  .......... teacher is ........... friend.

5.  .......... mother is happy .

6.  ...........  class is big.

7. ............  bag is heavy.

8. ........... boyfrind Cyril is a student.

9.  ........... am very studious.

10. ........... are strange people.

Plural of nouns

Formamos o plural do maioria dos substantivos acrescentando  "S".

door                      doors

book                      books

Formamos o plural dos substantivos terminados em: o, s, sh, z, ch, e x acrescentando ES.

church         churches

box                  boxes

Algumas palavras têm formas irregulares no plural.


    Singular              plural                             singular                    plural

     man                  men                             foot                     feet

 woman           women                           tooth                  teeth

   child           children                        mouse                  mice

    wolf                 wolves                                    leaf                       leaves

Change the following sentences from singular to plural.

( Mude as seguintes sentenças do singular para o plural)

1.  She is a good teacher.

2.  He is my cousin.

3.  The pencil is on the desk.

4.  The glass is on the kitchen.

5.  It is a new dish.

6.  He is a young man.

7.  The bus is at the corner.

8.  She is a  pretty woman. 

9.  The salesman is is in the office.

10. The house is on the corner.

11.  The child  is in the garden.

12.  It is a mouse.

13.  That is an old car.

14.  He is a Frenchman.

15.  The watch is new.

16.  It is a good picture.

17.  This is a bike.

to  have  (Verbo ter)    ( present tense )

                I          have (tenho)              we       have (temos)

                   you      have(tem)              you      have (têm)   

                   He        has    (tem)

                   she       has  (tem)                they     have (têm)

                   it         has    (tem)

 Complete the following sentences with the correct form of have.

( complete as sentenças seguintes com a forma correta do verbo to have / ter e traduza as sentenças/)

1.  They ............ a new car.

2.  She ............ one sister and two brothers.

3.  He and I .......... many things in common.

4.  John .......... a new  watch.

5.  We ............. many friends in New York.

6.  Hellen ......... a headache.

7.  Grace ........... a date with George tonight.

8.  Mr. Gonzales ............ a strong foreign accent.

9.  Both brothers .............. red  hair.

10.  Dr. Smith ........... many patients.

11.  Mr. and Mrs.Brown ............ a  beautiful house.

12.  Mr. Jones, the lawyer, ............ many clients.

13.  The secretary ............... a new typewriter.

14.  I ............. brown eyes.

15. You ............... green eyes.

16.  She .............. blue eyes.

17. The building ............... two entrances.

18. Her dog ................ a long tail.

19. We .............. a large library at school          

20.  His office ................ three large windows.  

VERB THERE TO BE (verbo haver, existir)

                 THERE IS  /  THERE ARE


Formamos frases negativas com  there is  (existe,há) e  there are  (existem, há) colocando a partícula not após o verbo.

         There is a man in the room.  (Há um homem na sala)

         There is not a man in the room.

         There are two students absent today. ( Há dois alunos ausentes hoje)

         There are not two studens absent today.

         As formas contractas  isn't  e  aren't  geralmente são usadas.

Formamos interrogativas com   there is  e  there are  colocando o verbo antes de  there.

         There is a window in the room.  (Existe uma janela na sala)

         Is there a window in the room?

There are some magazines on the table. (Existem algumas revistas sobre a mesa)

         Are there magazines on the table?

I -  Change the following sentences from affirmative to negative. 

      Use the contracted forms.  (Mude as frases da afirmativa para negative , use as formas contractas e traduza as sentenças.)

1.  There is a flag at the top of the building.

2.  There are two lamps in the room.

3.  there's  a pillow on each bed.

4.  There are two policemen on each corner.

5.  There's a big parade today.

6.  There are several doctors in this area.

7.  There are ten new words in this lesson.

8.  There's a message for you on the hall table.

9.  There are enough chairs for everyone.

10.  there are plenty of good seats avaliable.

11.  There is a comfotable chair in each room.

12.  There is a good restaurant near here.

13.  There are telephones in every room.

14.  There are four seasons in a year.

II - Passe as orações acima para interrogativas